
Monday, March 24, 2014

Hippo Birdie To You

Hi everyone,
I created this card for this week’s Lawnscaping Challenge . Our challenge is to create a Clean & Simple card, and I wanted to play with one of my newest Lawn Fawn sets, 'Year Four’ which is Lawn Fawn’s annual birthday set. To my surprise, it also comes with dies. Of course, I couldn’t resist my Wink of Stella pen on the hats and balloons,  and those little stars that I bought from Delish Beads.

I actually used 4 different Lawn Fawn sets for this card...They mix and match so well! It’s one of the things I love about Lawn Fawn, besides how adorable the animals/critters and birds are in all of their stamp sets, and their puny sentiments! The hippo, bird and balloons are inlaid into the front panel, and the party hats are popped up to add dimension to this card.

Well, that’s it for me! Thank you so much for stopping by...I appreciate your sweet comments very much!

Stamps: Lawn Fawn - Year Four, Hello Sunshine (cloud), Hats off to You (party hat on the hippo), You Float My Boat (exclamation point)
Ink: Versafine - Onyx Black; Memento - Tuxedo Black; Hero Arts - Soft Pool; Papertrey Ink - Soft Stone
Cardstock: Papertrey Ink - Select White
Dies: Lawn Fawn - Year Four
Gems: Delish Beads
Markers: Copic Sketch Markers; Wink of Stella - Clear


  1. So adorable, Barb! Love this sweet scene! Perfect for sending happy birthday wishes!

  2. This is one amazingly cute birthday card, Barb!

  3. Aww...Barb!!! What a SUPER CUTE card! So Love this :)

  4. Barb, this is just makes me smile! So sweet and very well done! :)

  5. So darned cute Barb; love the inlay paired with the popped up.

  6. A lovely combination of stamps! Great color choices!

  7. They are the cutest stamps and you've made the cutest card with them, Barb!! Hugs, Darnell

  8. Just too adorable, great work with the inlaid panel Barb!!!

  9. So cute Barb ... this makes me smile :) Loll xx

  10. Isn't it a cute set! And you showcased it perfectly Barb :)

  11. It's so hard 'not' to use the Wink of Stella, isn't it a fun product, especially perfect on this fun design Barb!

  12. Oh, Barb, this is completely adorable ... such a smile inducing card! Anita :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. You're so sweet!