
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Muse Card Challenge

Hi everyone ~
This week, my sweet blog friend and incredibly talented card designer, Cornelia (Fun Stamping) is Guest Muse for the Muse Card Challenge! So, when I sat down to create my card, my intention was to use acrylic paints to achieve the effect much like Cornelia’s card:

I love how she used a cake decorating tool to create her design...So unique! Since most of my acrylic paints are dried out, and I don't have any cool kitchen tools, I tried using water colors on my first card, which turned into a complete mess! So, I switched to pigment inks, which I smudged on my second card. The third card got trashed when I tried to add the end, it looked more like a dirty window on a NYC subway! I wasn’t going to give up, so this is my 4th and final attempt: 

A few weeks ago, I finally broke down and bought a set of stamps that resemble paint strokes, and thought they would be perfect with Cornelia’s design. I stamped the colors in 'sort of’ a rainbow order, stamped the W & W sentiment, and added a little WOS clear glitter to the ‘hello’, just to give it some sparkle. I used Enamel Accents to create splatters with the end of a paint brush and a toothpick, and finally got the look I was going for!

The Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge is always fun to play along, and since this week's theme is 'Anything Goes', I would also like to enter my card there.

So, that’s it for me ~ Thanks so much for stopping by!


Stamps: Paper Smooches - Positive Strokes
Ink: Ranger - Archival Jet Black; Mama Elephant - Bubblegum, Sunshine, Mint to Be, Ocean, Eggplant
Cardstock: Papertrey Ink - Select White
Misc: Inkessentials - Black Enamel Accents


  1. OH too funny! I enjoyed reading about your first attempts! Your final card is quite lovely!! I love the paint strokes in different colors! I think that would be so much easier than using the paint anyway, and I'm all about doing things the easy way these days! ((Hugs))

  2. Gorgeous job at Muse, I love that stamp PS set. Your card has such beutiful colours and the sentiment pops!

  3. Well, excellent choice of using the Brush Stroke stamp!! I love the colors and use of sentiment! I also love the scattered dots with the black card stock!! Beautiful!

  4. Your perseverance paid off - this ROCKS! Love what you used for your "splatter" too! Very creative thinking~

  5. Fourth time was a charm, Barb! Love your paint streaks and the colors you've used!

  6. Fabulous take on Cornelia's card!

  7. Perfect use for your paint stroke stamps and you've lined them up perfectly!

  8. Hi Barb - so much effort, but it was well worth it! Great result - so much energy in your card! Those black enamel dots are great - love the shine on them! Thanks for your kind words and thank for playing along at the Muse! Hugs, Cornelia

  9. Brilliant card! I love the colors you chose for the background paint strokes, and those enamel accents are perfect! Awesome card! xx

  10. Your persistence definitely paid off, Barb! Love the row of paint strokes.

  11. love your take on the MUSE card, barb!! the brush strokes look fabulous!

  12. Great job sticking with it!

  13. Way to hang in there Barb. This is a super card. I love the colors you used and those black dots really make the card an eyecatcher!

  14. Love how your paint strokes nest so neatly (I so struggle with these 'messy' techniques - I love the way you created order! lol!) So glad you joined us at Muse this week!

  15. Way to go, Barb ... this was so worth all the effort! Love the sense of movement in the brush strokes ... perfect for the tilted sentiment! Anita :)

  16. Glad you kept going - this card is awesome! Love the brushstrokes....a great take on Cornelia's fab Muse card :)

  17. Ha ha - very funny, Barb! Fabulous card, your perseverance paid off :0

  18. Oh, I've been there, too, Barb. Kudos to you for not giving up on your original idea! I love the colors you chose! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!

  19. Barb, I love the colors on your card and I guess, the fourth try is always the best!!! You did a great job on the challenge.

  20. Wow, now that's persistence! I'm not even gonna give it a try. Love your result.

  21. Fabulous take Barb!!! Love it :)

  22. Absolutely perfect, Barb! Your efforts were well worth it!

  23. Love the happy colors on ur card, great way to interpret the muse and yet keep it ur own :)

  24. Woohoo! So happy to see your card featured in the TOP 3 today over at MUSE! It's awesome and a well deserved feature! You had my vote for sure! :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. You're so sweet!