
Monday, September 1, 2014

Tag, I’m “It"

Hi everyone ~
A few weeks ago, my sweet and talented blog friend, Karin Akesdotter invited me to be part of the Creative Blog Hop.  It is a blog hop that is held every Monday, and part of participating is to then choose other bloggers and "tag" them to be "It" on a future post.

Before I begin, I would like to share a card I created for this week's challenge at Addicted to CAS for the Code Word 'Luxury'!

And, here is my card:

 I'm finally really playing with my Cameo, so when I found this high heel, I couldn't resist using the pink glitter cardstock Betty sent me (thanks, Betty!) to make this shoe even more luxurious! The sentiment is embossed with Liquid Platinum, and I added a few simple Hero Arts hot pink gems!

On to the Creative Blog Hop ~
The advantages of being part of the hop, is to make new friends, broaden our list of blog artists, and to answer a few questions for our readers.

So. here we go:
What am I working on now? I love adding sequins and enamel dots on my cards, so lately I’ve been trying to bake all the Perler Beads I bought (2,000) at Joann’s to create my own Enamel Dots. To see my photo tutorial, which is too long to add to this post, click on the link at the top of my blog that says Tutorials, or go HERE

- How does my work differ from others in my genre? I have only been creating cards for a few years, so I feel that I am still learning how to create a CAS card. I find that I always need to edit my card, because I think it needs just one more thing. It is getting easier! 

- Why do I create what I do? Because I love the clean lines and uncluttered look of a CAS card!

- How does my creative process work? Usually, I hunt around for a challenge blog with a theme or sketch, and I'm almost always inspired to create!

Now, I would like to introduce you to 2 of my Blog Friends, whom I have tagged for the Creative Blog Hop:

Betty Keefe
I met Betty through the Hero Arts Flickr Group  and immediately fell in love with her elegant creations. She continues to inspire me and is one of the kindest and most encouraging crafters in our community! Check out Betty's Blog HERE and be prepared to be really inspired!
Here is a little more about Betty in her own words:
I have been crafting forever (maybe since the 70’s when I made macramé plant hangers), but really started only making cards in the late 90’s and found Hero Arts stuff.  Then in 2008 I did an online class with Jennifer McGuire thru Two Peas and that’s when it became an addiction!!
 I live in Lincoln, NE where before I retired, I was a library media specialist and teacher. I have 3 grown children and 4 grands (Matt 21, Leah 19, Anna 14 and Katie 11) and none of them live near me so I HAVE to travel a lot!!
 Am an avid, avid bridge player, read all the time and design cards the rest of the time! 

And now I would like to introduce my other Blog Friend, Chark
I also met Chark through the Hero Arts Flickr Group, and a short time later, we became Design Teammates at a2z Scrapbooking.  She is incredibly talented, and happens to be a writer who loves making art and making crafts. She blogs at Glitter in my Kitchen on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and spends the rest of her time making a mess of the kitchen with paper, glitter, paint and inks (her words, not mine). You can see some of Chark's articles at Books Make a Difference, an online magazine.

In her own words:
I've been making cards for about five years and scrapbooking a little longer. I love reading crafty blogs and watching people create online. I've learned a lot from You Tube videos! I did a lot of crafting while my kids were young for their birthdays and school parties. I've had a story published in an anthology called Military Life: Stories and Poems for Children and that still makes me happy when I see the book on the library shelf.
What I like best about crafting is that it fills an itch I have to make something and it's usually something I can give to someone, which makes it useful too. I also love the community of crafters online and in real life, because we are a group of supportive and helpful people who enjoy others' creativity. That's lovely to see!

I hope you will take the time to stop by Betty and Chark's blogs to say hello and of course to be inspired by their beautiful card art!

Thanks so much for stopping by today ~ I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday weekend ~


  1. Oh, those shoes...want! Gorgeous and yes, a perfect take on 'luxury'! I enjoyed learning a bit more about you. I think you're doing marvelously with the CAS style and I'm delighted to learn that I'm in excellent company in being inspired by challenges. Truly, without a challenge, I'm helpless. Your enamel dots collection - 2000 Perlear beads - sounds fabulous! I think my wish list just expanded...Fabulous smile-making post - and Happy Sept. 1 to you!

  2. So fun to learn more about your and what you're working on...melting 2,000 perler beads, ha ha! Such a fun pink glittery high heel!! Love it!

  3. Those are killer heels Barb. Would love to wear them but my feet wont co-operate!!!
    I have bought some Hama beads this weekend to have a go at the enamel dots, thanks for the tutorial. Can I link it to my page please?

  4. I adore these shoes and so want them now!! I loved reading more about you and can't believe you have only been crafting for 2 are a natural. Thanks for sharing these yummy shoes with us at ATCAS

  5. Love the glam shoe - very luxurious! Loved reading your post - you certainly won't be short of enamel dots for a while :)

  6. fab take on the code word, barb!!

  7. Now I would say those are the most glamorous, glitzy, luxury high heels. Every girl should have at least one pair.

  8. Oh it was so fun to read about you Barb and here more about your creative process! Your card is just stunning! I love the cute shoe and that bright sparkly pink card stock! How fabulous! I love your added little melted perler beads and sequins! They add just a bit more fun! ((Hugs))

  9. great card and it is soooo fabulous! loved reading about you and your process--I usually look for challenges for inspiration too...or for a kick in the pants in other words. Thanks for nominating me for next Monday's Blog Hop!

  10. fabulously elegant cards Barb and nice to learn more about you. Love the DYI enamel dots. I must see if I have some that I could try out this.

  11. I adore that high heel--terrific card, Barb! Fun reading your post!

  12. Your pink glitter shoe is terrific! Looking forward to seeing more of your Cameo creations.

  13. What could be a better depiction of luxury !! Love that u to now using ur silhouette :) I am sure it must be fun. I enjoyed reading about ur creative process.

  14. Barb love your pink glitter shoe, every girl should have those I think. I enjoyed hearing a bit more about you Barb, I would love to come and play with you! Now your tutorial? You are brilliant, now I think I am going to have to to do that. Did you just get inexpensive perler beads??

  15. I am in love with your pink high heel! The glittery pink on the black looks fabulous and I am loving your scalloped edge border too! Thanks for joining us at ATSM. :)

  16. You are going to soar now with a Cameo, Barb, holy cow!! Your pink bedazzled shoe is indeed the height of luxury!! (But, secretly, aren't we glad we aren't in our 20s and wearing these torture devices? lol!)

    I so enjoyed your TCBH interview!! Thank you for taking part and tagging two more incredible card artists! I love it!! Hugs, Darnell

  17. It was fun to read about your process Barb. Your card here today is very cute and it has been fun to see all the cards you post in the flickr group!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. You're so sweet!