
Friday, March 20, 2015

CASology Challenge - Blossom

Hi everyone, a really quick post from me today...

Firstly, I want to wish everyone a happy 1st Day of Spring! Sure wish it felt like spring outside, since we got about four inches of snow today! But, the good news is that it's time to play along with one of my favorite challenges: CASology and the cue card for this week is 'Blossom'! Here is my card:

I thought the flower was plain by itself, so I started by embossing around the circle, then stamping the flower and sentiment. I simply added a few sequins and matted the panel on to a yellow card base...and that was it!

Wishing you all a fun and crafty weekend ~ Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. A fine card to commemorate spring, Barb - love your beautiful rose!

  2. Oooo, love this card, Barb! Beautiful flower and wonderful texture in the background! Boo for the snow! We are so lucky here in Minnesota - absolutely no snow on the ground. Hoping your days get warmer and sunnier soon! ♥

  3. This looks beautiful ! I like the embossing around the flower :)

  4. This is so elegant and lovely, Barb! That flower bursts from the subtly embossed background. Love it :) Happy Spring to you....I didn't know it was the first day of Spring!

  5. Very classical and beautiful Barb!! Happy Spring!!

  6. OH that is just beautiful Barb! I do love the addition of the embossing too. Such a pretty color combo for the rose! So sorry about the snow. Spring can't be far away though! Happy weekend my friend! (Hugs)

  7. Hey Barb!!! Awesome flower!! I love all of the details you added to your card. Wonderful done. Thanks for playing along with us this week at CASology.

  8. Your flower is gorgeous, and your design--classic. Love the circle and bit of texture surrounding the flower. Thanks so much for playing along with us at CASology this week. Always a pleasure to see your cards in the gallery, and I hope you play again next week.

  9. Gorgeous blossom, Barb!! Love the addition of the embossing --- really adds lots of texture. xx

  10. Absolutely gorgeous, Barb! A breath of Spring of get you through the last stages (hopefully) of winter. The colours you've chosen, paired with the embossing...eye-catching! Don't ever worry about 'falling behind' in commenting on my blog: I know you'll visit when you can!
    Happy Sunday!

  11. A beautiful card, those colours for the rose are fabulous! Yearning for flowers in the garden now.

  12. Gorgeous bloom, Barb. Wonderful design, love the texture in the background.

  13. This is beautiful! Ok, your stamping is perfection!!! Do you use a Misti??? How did you do that embossing only on the outside of the circle??? You are one mysterious little crafter, aren't you? ha ha!!

  14. Bar, that flower is a stunner and I love the embossing you added - it really frames your flower perfectly! Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!

  15. It's always my pleasure to see your beautiful work, Barb! Keep it up! Hope you have a great day with sunshine! Thanks for joining us at CASology this week! Hugs, May

  16. Flowers are my fave and this one is so beautifully stamped Barb, love the subtle look of the embossed background!

  17. Oh wow! What a beauty, Barb! Love everything about this- the beautiful yellows, the embossed background and that gorgeous font on the sentiment.

  18. Such a beautiful single bloom, Barb ... gorgeous against that lovely embossing! Anita :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. You're so sweet!