
Sunday, April 23, 2017

Freshly Made Sketches #284; The Flower Challenge #7

If you know me at all, then you know how much I enjoy playing along in challenges...especially sketch challenges ~ Today I have 2 cards to share, and the first one is for Freshly Made Sketches.

This sketch was designed by my sweet blog friend Karren Johnson so I was really eager to play along.

I created the clouds using MFT cloud dies, colored the bird and owl with Copics and added the sentiment. The sketch is shown as a vertical A2 size, but my card is 5 1/4 x 5 1/2. Good thing I still have some old 6x6 envies in my stash :)


My 2nd card is for The Flower Challenge, which is also a sketch:

I pulled out one of my favorite Winnie & Walter sets and got to work.

I colored the flower and leaves with Copics then staggered the sentiment to create some interest to the card. Inside the aperture, I added PTI vellum polka dot paper, which I believe has been discontinued. 

So, that's it for me...I hope everyone has a fun and crafty week ahead ~ 

Thanks so much for stopping by,


  1. First of your card is so cuuuuteee I always love your scene and the clouds so sweet and soft look...
    Adorable Birdie card...
    the second card I love your Blessing in grey and the flower colored so beautiful Barb
    Love the space between that two white paper
    Awesome made and love the CAS idea..

  2. two wonderful cards Barb - love the way you did the clouds for keeping in tune with the sketch - and also the unique way you did the sentiment in the second card.

  3. Your cards are fabulous!! I love the birds looking up at each other on the first card, the clouds are perfect for the middle! The second card is my favorite, though. I like how you stamped the sentiment over the large, pale colored word. Really nice design.

  4. Both of these are wonderful. Love your birds in the trees and that wonderful flower card. Thank you so much for joing us at The Flower Challenge Aileen DT

  5. What absolutely fabulous cards you've produced, Barb! The wee bird looking up to the owl is such a clever and cute use of the sketch and your flower card is just gorgeous! So happy to see you at both of these challenges.

  6. The cloud centre panel was such a great choice, especially perfect with those birds talking to each other and as for the blessings sentiment in a lighter ink, WOW!

  7. Two beautiful cards, Barb. Love the first card with the cloud background and the sweet owl and bird. Adorable!! Perfect sentiment for it too.

    The second card is gorgeous. Your flower is so perfect coloured. Love the staggered sentiment with the large, lighter word in the background ... very creative! xx

  8. Barb your card for FMS is so cute I love that youchanged up the shape...I have a hard time doing that I can be so literal with sketch challenges. Your flower card is a wow for sure. Love that overstamping your sentiment. Although the blessings is lighter it really pops with the darker text over it. Fabulous technique.

  9. I love a good owl card and this one with the bird singing out the sentiment is so cute, Barb. The 'blessings' overstamped with the words is so unique and works well with your beautiful flower.

  10. I love the adorable birds in your first card with the matching sentiment! So pretty and soft as always! The coloring on the flower of the second card is amazing, Barb! I thought you've added some detailed touch with pencils. You did an awesome job to achieve the texture only with Copics!!! I was so glad to see your card in the gallery at The Flower Challenge! Hugs!

  11. Awww i love the cute little bird and owl!! That is such an adorable card! The flower on your second one is so beautifully colored and I love the way you have stamped the blessings in grey with the black sentiment over it! That looks really awesome! Beautiful work on these my friend! Happy week! :)

  12. Hi Barb, love your interpretation of the first sketch -perfectly done with the owls facing over the expanse of clouds. Your second sketched based card is beautiful, just LOVE how you applied the sentiments on this one :-D

  13. LOve the Spring-is-in-the-air design for FMS, Barb and I ditto that sentiment for YOU!!
    LOve that vellum, and it is a beautiful stage for your gorgeous bloom, and perfect words from W&W!

  14. Both of these are so pretty Barb. The two birds are so cute and love the flower card. I was given some dotted vellum recently so this has given me inspiration

  15. Love both pretty CAS cards Barb! Great take on the first sketch!! Those birdies are so cute!!

  16. so pretty...thanks for joining us at The Flower Challenge.
    xx Karen

  17. Two fantastic cards, Barb. But, my favorite is that first card. I was so stumped by this sketch, and I feel blind now for not seeing it how you saw it. Perfect to have those little owls perched like you did.

  18. These are fantastic! I love how the bird and the owl are having a conversation!

  19. Hi Barb--wonderful cards! The first one is such a creative use of that sketch & I love the gorgeous W&W bloom!

  20. Tweet birds, Barb (sorry, couldn't not say that!), so adorable against that fabulous stencilled sky ... and such a lovely bloom, love how you've collaged the sentiment, it's so cool! Hugs, Anita :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. You're so sweet!