
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Twofer Challenge #1 - Feathers

Hello everyone ~
I'm sliding in at the last minute, but couldn't resist playing along in Darnell's brand new challenge called 'Twofers'!  The challenge is to make two different cards with the same stamp for two different occasions and according to the challenge theme (feathers). With a stellar DT, I think this is going to be a really fun challenge, and I can't wait to see more of their ideas throughout the year! I love everything about this challenge...Count me in!!!

I used PTI's Swan'sational stamp set for both cards, starting with ink blending and splattering to create the look of water on the first card. 

I also used PTI's Soft Stone ink for the swans and refrained from adding details on their beaks. I clear embossed the shapes for the pond water and added a double slanted banner for the sentiment!

Card #2 ~ Well, it is a 'Twofer', right?

I love how you get a heart shape when you place the swans facing each of course, I created a wedding card! I also embossed the pond water with white EP, but it's hard to see in the photo...let's see if this helps:

A little better, I looks really pretty in person, so that's that :)

I would like to take the time to wish Darnell and her amazing team much success with their new Twofer Challenge! I know it's going to be lots of fun, and I plan to play along in all future challenges!

Have a great day, everybody ~ Thanks so much for stopping by,

Stamps and Dies: PTI - Swan'sational 
Inks: Versamark, Versafine - Onyx Black; Hero Arts - Green Hills; Tim Holtz Distress Inks - Mermaid Lagoon, Cracked Pistachio
Misc: Hero Arts - Clear and White EP; Copic Markers


  1. two fantastic cards Barb - those swans are wonderful for this challenge - difficult to chose a favorite - looks like a winner!!

  2. Gorgeous designs Barb!! Love your beautiful die-cut swans. They just pop off that beautiful blue pond. The double slanted sentiment is awesome!

    The wedding card is so sweet with the swans "kissing" and creating the heart shape. :) Great CAS design. The white embossing adds some shine to the pond. Thanks for playing along with us at Twofer Card Challenge. xx

  3. Such lovely cards bard, love the swans, beautiful and soft colors! Very eye pleasing!

  4. Barb, fabulous cards. YOur swans are such lovely "feathers" and make darling cards.

  5. Wonderful CAS cards, Barb! The blended and splattered background makes the graceful swans stand out and the wedding card is so sweet with the swans creating the heart!
    Thank you for joining us in the very first Twofer Card Challenge!

  6. Delightful and elegant "twofer"


  7. Gaspingly gorgeous, Barb ... both of them! The softly sponged and splattered water is the perfect complement to those elegant grey swans and little cygnet (or as I like to call them swanlets!) ... and how perfect to create the love heart between those two swans on your wedding card ... simply lovely! So happy to have you playing along with us at Twofer ... and to know you'll be joining us in our next challenges! Hugs, Anita :)

  8. Your elegant cards are amazing, Barb! I love your water details and the balance between the swans and the sentiment on your birthday card. Your wedding card swans are swimming perfectly among the reeds - so gorgeous! Thanks for joining in on the fun at Twofer Card Challenge!

  9. Seriously wonderful Barb, I was expecting 'feathers' and there you go again with the clever twist!

  10. How is it possible that I've never laid eyes on these swans? To see them twice is such a treat, Barb! What a gorgeous wedding card - love your design, and the addition of the cattails. Those on your beautifully blended pond will make anyone glad to have another birthday!
    A wonderful pair of feathered cards, my friend!

  11. Oh Barb!! These are BREATHTAKING!! I love the first card with the greenery behind the swans but the blue one really had my eyes pop. JUST STUNNING!!!

  12. Thank you so much for the shoutout, Barb, and for your good wishes! I have a great inaugural Design Team and I couldn't have asked for a better turnout for this first challenge!! Your two swan designs have me swooning, my friend! I really love the way you did your water for both cards and the "heart" the couple form together could not be more perfect for a wedding card! I look forward to seeing you at Twofer again next month!! Hugs, Darnell

  13. Gorgeous cards Barb. Two fabulous cards using the swans

  14. The bevy of swans in the blue water reminds me of the ones we have in the river near here, Barb, and the others making a heart is wonderful for a wedding card.

  15. These are so soft and pretty, Barb! The swans are gorgeous and you've made both cards different but gorgeous! I was planning in playing along in Darnell's challenge but time got away on me - maybe next time :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. You're so sweet!