
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Addicted to CAS Challenge #153 - Grid

Hi there, blog friends! Today starts a new challenge at Addicted to CAS . Our Hostess is Bobby and she is challenging everyone to create a card using the Code Word ‘Grid’.
Our Guest Designer is Elizabeth Stewart  (winner of challenge #151).

For this code word, I thought my diagonal grid stencil would work well with the large alphas and camouflage technique. Of course, I couldn't resist this sweet bird, and once I added the sentiment, this card was finished!

We would love to see how the code word ‘Grid’ inspires you! If you would like to see inspiration from the Design Team and play along with us, visit the ATCAS Blog HERE  ~

Thanks so much for stopping by,

Stamps: MFT - Tweet Friends
Dies: MFT - Tweet Friends, Slanted Sentiment Strips; Altenew - Bold Alphas
Stencil: Create a Smile - Diagonal Grid


  1. This card is wonderful, that grid works really well with the subtle faded out blending and the hidden word. I love it xx

  2. I think those birds are so darling, Barb. The soft inking over the diamond grid is lovely. BTW: I'm the host of this challenge, not Vicki. ;)

  3. great background for that adorable little bird :)

  4. I am too your grid it is inspirational.

  5. That little bird looks so happily content, what a gorgeous design and great use of the code word Barb!

  6. Great stencil and blending of colors for your loving card, Barb! Love the hidden word, sediment, and stylin' little chickadee!! Hugs, Darnell

  7. adorable Barb. Love the stenciling and the little bird.

  8. Don't ever resist that bird, Barb... she is the tweetest little thing and is so perfectly perched on YOU! Lovely grid of her 'stained glass' window, too! Darling, darling!

  9. Super sweet card! Your bird placement is awesome :)

  10. This is so sweet!! I LOVE the little bird and your fabulous sentiment!!

  11. Love this sweet little birdie and the watercolor background with the dimensional die cut sentiment! Great card, Barb!

  12. Love your stenciled grid in those beautiful, soft shades. Love that adorable little bird sitting on the hidden word. Great design and great take on the code word!

  13. this soft stenciling for the sweet little bird!! Camouflage technique on the sentiment adds more interest to the card.great take on the cue!

  14. Oh my gosh ... this is fantastic Barb! LOVE your interpretation of the grid --- so creative! And that little bird is so sweet! Great hidden word technique for part of your sentiment. Lots of wonderful techniques while keeping this CAS. Awesome work, my friend! xx

  15. Barb... I love your sweet bird as well. This set is on my wish list. Your card and the sentiment are lovely. Thanks so much for the invitation to play along with the DT this week! Elizabeth

  16. Beautiful card, Barb! Your stenciling the grid is muted colors is truly perfect with those large letters and perfectly handsome bird!

  17. What a wonderfully soft grid to camouflage that grand sentiment into, Barb, that little cutie picked the perfect spot to perch on! Charming, my friend! Hugs, Anita :)

  18. Such a pretty card. Love this little bird---so sweet!

  19. That little bird just looks so pleased with herself - adorable! And the grid with the camouflaged die-cut is so striking!

  20. Barb, I love your little bird.. absolutely adorable. Your grid pattern and the hidden you is fabulous. Love the colors, too.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. You're so sweet!