
Monday, February 4, 2019

CAS Stencil February Challenge

Hi there ~
It's time for the next challenge at CAS Stencil and our Hostess, Nancy, has chosen powdered inks for our stenciling technique! I chose to play with my Brushos to create this card:

Using powdered inks with stencils can be tricky, so I referred to one of Loll's video tutorials for my background. I started by ink blending in light blue, then I placed the waves stencil and added Brushos and water. The fish was colored with Copics and I added a coat of Glossy Accents to the heart and a few dots to mimic bubbles. 

If you would like to play along with us and have never used powdered inks with stencils, there are links to several video tutorials on the challenge blog to guide you :) Of course, my teammates have also created some beautiful cards to inspire you...Hope to see you there!

Thanks so much for stopping by,

Stamps: MFT - Adorable Ocean Friends, More Essential Sentiments
Dies: MFT - Adorable Ocean Friends, Stitched Rectangle STAX, Stitched Squares
Stencil: SSS - Waves
Misc: Brushos; Glossy Accents; Copic Markers; Tim Holtz - Distress Inks; Strathmore Mixed Media Paper


  1. what a great design Barb with your bright orange fish - swimming across your lovely blue stenciled ocean!

  2. I love stencils and don't use them nearly enough - love what you did here, Barb!

  3. Beautiful sponged and Brushos stenciled underwater background, Barb. Wonderful for your die cut and colored fish. Love your sentiment and glossy heart too. TFS my friend. Hugs..Nancy

  4. Barb beautiful stenciled under water scene and great use of the glossy accents :)

  5. This looks fab ..... stunning colours and great background xx

  6. Gorgeous background,and your fish is beautifully colored.

  7. I don't have any powdered inks, but the effect looks amazing and now I must check out the video link, thank so much for that!

  8. Simply adorable, Barb. I agree powdered inks is tricky for this technique, but your water background cane out beautiful. xx

  9. What a fun idea to use an ocean stencil for your inspiration for this challenge, Barb! You were very successful! The bright and awesome patterned fishie, the sediment, and the wee glossified heart all look awesome! Hugs, Darnell

  10. Sweet! LOVE your underwater scene Barb. The waves look amazing with the different shades of blue. Your fish is adorable ... love those little bubbles. :) xx

  11. fabulous stenciling Barb. Great card.

  12. Gorgeous card Barb, love the design, the stenciiled waves look fantastic, Cathy x

  13. Fabulous stencilling, love all the shades of blue and the cute fish. Great design, Barb.

  14. Your underwater scene is so pretty, Barb! I would have never thought of stenciling over the ink-blended background. That's a fantastic idea and it makes a big difference! The Brusho stenciled waves look so beautiful. And your adorable fish, the shiny little heart, and bubbles all make the scene fun and alive.
    Hideko xx

  15. Love your waves, Barb, and that little fish! I'm still trying to get a good print. Spraying and I don't do well together, LOL! I haven't given up though.

  16. I love your sea waves there looks artisty Barb
    and the fish cuuteee
    the heart with glossy Accents I am in love too great added
    sweet card my friend
    see you around and biig hugs

  17. The ocean wave looks fabulous and perfect for the fish! Love the bubbles!
    Wishing you a great weekend, Barb !

  18. What a fabulous ocean scene, barb ... there's such a lovely sense of movement in those flowing waves ... a fabulous spot for your vibrant, tropical and oh so happy fish! Hugs, Anita :)

  19. I usually do my Brushos on white paper, Barb, but what a great idea to ink it up first. You've made a very convincing ocean scene.

  20. A really fun card Barb, love the two tone water you've achieved, great card


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. You're so sweet!