
Sunday, October 12, 2014

One Year Blog Anniversary

Hello there, crafty friends!
One year ago today I started my Blog, and I honestly can't believe how quickly the time has gone by! To celebrate, I have created a card to acknowledge all of you, who take the time to stop by and leave such sweet comments for me on a regular basis...Thank You!

How's that for a fun sentiment?! Actually, this stamp was created by Hero Arts in Heather Ruwe's handwriting! Click HERE to see a post where Heather talks about how exciting it was for her to be chosen for this honor! Congrats again, Heather!!!

And, now for a celebration!!! Beginning today, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post to win this stamp for yourself, as well as a few other goodies:

- Wink of Luna - Silver Metallic Brush Pen
- Hero Arts - Blush Pearls & Gems Mixed Accents
- Peerless Water Colors - Complete Edition Set of 15
- Hero Arts/Studio Calico - Calico Borders (Donated by a2z Scrapbooking Store - Thanks!)
- Hero Arts - Crafty Friends Woodblock Stamp
- Hero Arts - White Dye Ink
- Hero Arts - Snow Envelopes
- Hero Arts - Cream Water Color Paper

And, here is a photo of the 'Loot':

Rules for the giveaway: NONE! That's right, none! You do not need to answer any questions, or follow me on Twitter or Facebook! Everyone is welcome...the drawing is not limited to those living within the U.S. In fact, you don't need to be a subscriber to my blog (although, I would love that)! Just leave me a comment, by Sunday, October 19th at 12:00pm EDT. The winner will be announced the following morning at 9:00am!

So, that's it! I just want to take a moment to thank you all again for helping to make my blog so much fun! Have a wonderful day,


  1. Happy 1st Blogaversary, Barb! I can't believe it's already been a year...I hope your blog has brought you much happiness and enjoyment! It has been a pleasure visiting your bog and seeing your amazing creations -- here's to many more happy years of blogging!

  2. No way! It's been a year already?! Time really DOES fly by, doesn't it? Happy blogiversary to you, my friend! You've had a year filled with wonderful creativity and awesome posts! Congratulations!!! ♥♥♥

  3. Aw congrats to you! Time does fly. That is awfully nice of you to give a prize for your anniversary. I have enjoyed seeing your creations. To me it felt like you all of the sudden appeared in Flickr in the Hero Arts group and your cards rocked it from day one.

  4. Congrats Barb! You are an awesome crafty friend!
    Love that handwritten sentiment... looks great on the scalloped banner!

  5. You are the SWEETEST person in blog world! Wow, I can't believe that it has been a YEAR! You have achieved so much! Congrats, Barb! So happy for your success in blogging and card-making!

  6. Wow, congratulations, Barb ... Happy Blogaversary ... hasn't that time flown by! Thanks so much for all the inspiration ... including this thoughful and lovely banner card ... it's fabulous! Anita :)

  7. wow Barb... what a long way you've come in this past year. Well done on your blogaversary. I love coming to visit you and I am always inspired by your creativity. Keep it up girl!

  8. Happy anniversary and many more years to enjoy crafting!

  9. Happy 1st Birthday Barb and well deserved. I love checking out you blog everyday to see some fabulous inspiration!!. Here's to more wonderful posts. Please don't include me in the draw as I have just won with the scramble and would like someone else to get some goodies!!

  10. Congratulations on your first blogaversary! Time really does fly when you're having fun doesn't it! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful makes and here's to many more years in blogland. Thanks for your kind giveaway :) x

  11. Congrats, Barb! I love visiting your blog, and although I don't always comment, your trendy and clever designs are always so refreshing! Here's to many more years of blogging fun for you!!

  12. perfect card for your blog anniversary - and the sentiment is so true - you have become a great crafty friend to me with all your support and suggestions.

  13. Wow Barb, a year already. It's been a great year and I just love visiting your blog. You are true to the sentiment on your card and a great inspiration! Wishing you many more anniversaries!

  14. Happy 1st Blogiversary, Barb..and how generous you are to be offering gifts to us during YOUR celebration! Today is Thanksgiving in Canada, and as I reflect on things I'm grateful for, discovering your site, filled with such abundant creativity, and your comments, filled with support, encouragement and warmth, definitely come to mind! Your friendship makes my heart smile! You're a treasure in this crafting community! Your card: only fabulous!!

  15. congrats on your one year anniversary, barb! time flies when you are having fun, doesn't it!? thanks so much for all the lovely comments that you always leave for me... you truly epitomize the sentiment on your lovely card!

  16. Happy Blogaversary Barb!!! Pretty card, and the sentiment really reflects the friendships we've developed in blog land!! Wow what a generous giveaway, you're too kind!

  17. Congratulations Barb! You have enriched the blogging community with your wonderful cards. I am so glad you blog!

  18. Wow, Barb! That year went quick! Congrats on your one-year blogaversary :)

  19. haha--I don't know how to enter if there aren't rules! :) congrats to one very talented lady!

  20. I was ever so happy when you finally took the plunge to create your own blog, and I just love coming to visit and see what you have been up to. A BIG Congratulations, a year already, I just know that the next one will be just as much fun! Hugs Therese x

  21. I can't believe it is a year already - I so enjoy stopping by to be inspired by all of your creations. Your blog is one of my favourite corners of blogland! You are so generous offering a giveaway for your anniversary and I am always grateful for your kind words and visits. Keep on blogging, Barb :)

  22. Woohoo! I could NOT be happier for you and I love seeing that you created such am adorable card with this wonderful stamp! I love it and own it too and am so very happy for Heather to have her handwriting featured on this and the new Winter/Holiday stamps too!!

    Looks like you have put together some wonderful blog candy too! Someone is going to be very happy and excited to win this!! I was going to pass, but seeing some of my all time favorite goodies, plus the awesome Peerless Watercolors, I could not give up my chance and if I do win, I'll happy give away the stamp set to another lucky person! :)

    Hugs and Here's to another Great Year!!

  23. Oh happy blogaversary Barb!! It seems like you've been around way longer than a year! But I'm so happy that you did start blogging and that I've gotten a chance to know you! Your card is just wonderful! I love those colors, that cute sentiment and beautiful butterfly! ((Hugs))

  24. Happy Blogaversary, Barb. Honestly, I thought that you were around way longer than that, and that I had only recently 'discovered' you. How fun and generous of you to have a giveaway as well.

  25. Big congrats on your milestone, Barb! Love your cute card--especially those butterflies!

  26. Wow time really flies !! It seems like yesterday that u started out with ur blog! Big congrats :) Love the card u created gab co,or combo

  27. wow barb! that is some generous blog candy! congrats on one year of blogging!

  28. Oh wow! Congratulations on your first year as a blogger, Barb! :-) Your card is gorgeous!
    Thank you so much for the chance! :-) xo Tone

  29. Congratulations!! Doesn't 12 months just fly on by. It was my 1st blogaversary last month and I didn't even realise! So very happy for you and thank you so much for the chance to win some goodies, your very generous!

  30. Oh, yes, time really flies... a year already? I could swear that yesterday you were as a resident at Flickr :). I'm not here for the prize, since I can hardly be called a regular visitor in your blog. However, I couldn't pass the celebration of one year as a blogger. Congratulations for this first year and many more to come!

  31. You don't have to count me for the giveaway, but I wanted to say a big congrats on your one yr. anniversary....I'm so thankful to have met you, well virtually anyways, and I just think you are the sweetest gal around...oh, and you make pretty cards, too:)

  32. Barb I can't believe it has been a year fr you already--a huge congratulations! You are pro now my friend! So sorry I missed this post, so a belated congrats!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. You're so sweet!