
Thursday, May 21, 2015

CASology - Wedding, SSS Flickr Challenge - Backgrounds & CAS on Sunday - Cheer Up, Buttercup

Hi everyone,
My mojo has been a bit low lately, but I have managed to create a few cards for some of my favorite challenges. The first one is for this week's challenge at CASology and the Cue Card is Wedding:

I started by stamping the wine glasses with my Hero Arts ombre inks, then die cut my brand new Penny Black die cut word Congrats several times and stacked them to add dimension. I added a few sequins and Wink of Stella to the glasses for some shimmer and shine ~


My second card is for two challenges -  Simon  Says Stamp Flickr Challenge #19 for the theme Create Your Own Background and for the CAS on Sunday Challenge for the theme Cheer Up, Buttercup:

I created a subtle background for the aperture using white embossing paste and SSS Tiny Dots Stencil, and couldn't resist this adorable pup from the You Are Pawsome stamp and die set. The sentiment is also from Simon Says Stamp. I thought this was a great card for someone who's feeling down :)

Thanks to Loll's suggestion, I would like to add both cards to the May CAS Challenge at Happy Little Stampers  for the theme 'Use Die Cuts and Punches' ~ Thanks, Loll!

So, that's it for me today...I apologize for the slightly dark photos, as we're having an overcast day. I hope everyone is getting ready to have a fun and crafty weekend ~ Thanks so much for stopping by,


  1. Two fantastic cards Barb! I love stacked die cut and shimmer on your CASology card. That doggie is really sweet as can be too. Thank you for sharing with us at CASology this week!

  2. Two awesome cards Barb. Love the raised sentiment for your wedding card, and the little bit of sparkle of the wine glasses. And that adorable pup in your second card ... super cute!! Both would work for the HLS CAS challenge ... hope you'll join in. xx

  3. Had to come by and tell you I love that Wedding card, such a clever use of the stamps. A crafty friend sent me a wine set for my Birthday and you have inspired me...thanks you xx

  4. I really like both your cards, they are gorgeous.
    Good luck with your Mojo!

  5. Beautiful CAS wedding card! And the second is so cute, wonderful partial die cutting technique!!

  6. both cards are pretty darn fabulous, barb!!

  7. Such fun and sweet cards! Thanks for joining us at CAS on Sunday!

  8. Love both cards, Barb! So glad you found some time to play in the SSS Flickr challenge - thank you! ♥

  9. Both of your cards are wonderful Barb! The first one is so classy! I just love that technique! I so love that little puppy in the second one and the die cut window is just the perfect background to show him off! Thank you so much for the sweet comments you have left on my blog! I will definitely get to sharing some of my photography tips soon! Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend my friend! ((Hugs))

  10. These are both fantastic, Barb! Love the wine glasses and cool die cut on the first - an elegant wedding card and your cute dog card made me smile :)

  11. Based on these two cards, Barb, I think your mojo is on the 'upswing'. They are both FAB-U-LOUS! The wedding card is incredibly pretty, with the sparkle and marvelous die-cutting. Isn't that a fun technique ! The puppy in the window does precisely what you wanted him to do: makes me smile! A sweet card in every way!
    Big hugs coming your way~c

  12. How gorgeous is that wedding card, Barb ... those pink ombré shimmery glasses are fabulous ... and I love that camoflaged 'congrats' running through them! Sweet litte puppy ... he's such a sweetie! Anita :)

  13. There must be something going around at the moment as my mojo has been lacking alot too! Maybe its the changing of the seasons?? I love both of your cards. I came to leave a comment about your wedding card, its gorgeous and love how you got those wine glasses in there amongst the die-cut. And then to find the sweet puppy card, what a bonus!!

  14. Can't see any missing mojo from here Barb.. although gotta say that I've been having a struggle myself, not sure if it's because I've got so much going on and I'm on holidays so having some difficulty focusing... I'm sure it'll return, one day lol. Hope you are having a great week!

  15. Love both cards Barb. The die cutting on the wedding card is wonderful and really makes one think of two joining together. Your pup is darned cute, love that design.

  16. Hi Barb
    Wanted to let you know I got around to CASEing your card-not as easy as you made it look, took me a few tries but thanks for the inspiration-I gave you credit-here is the link, if you want a giggle at my attempt:

  17. These card designs are pretty cool. Thanks for sharing these here. I am working on some DIY décor that I need for the decoration of my wedding venue. It is one of the prettiest garden venues for weddings in Los Angeles. Please suggest some DIY décor ideas for a garden party!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. You're so sweet!