
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

"Playing Cards" with Michele

Hi there ~
I'm back today to share a fun challenge with you! Two weeks ago, my sweet and uber talented blog friend, Michele of I Card Everyone collaborated with Chriss Blagrave and challenged themselves to CASE a card by Donna Mikasa and post them on the same day and time! At the end of her post, Michele offered to play cards with anyone who was interested, and I took her up on her offer.

Michele saw an amazing card by Joyce Mehrberg that she really wanted to CASE, so the challenge was on! Here is Joyce's card:

And, here is my card:

Michele and I used the same stamp set from WPlus9 called Flora & Fauna 2. I chose the medium butterfly and die cut PTI Mega Mat Stack 3, then colored just the die cut portion with my Copic markers. I added a bit of Wink of Stella for sparkle and a few pearl gems and sequins, and stamped my sentiment from Hero Arts Messages with Flourish

I really had fun collaborating with Michele ~ She is so sweet and really great to work with! And, of course it was fun to CASE a card by Joyce, who always inspires me! I don't know if there is a name for this technique, but I noticed that Deepti shared a card on Stamplorations where she also colored in a portion of her flowers...Here is her card:

So, that's it for me today...If you have a chance, please stop over at Michele's blog to see her gorgeous card ~ I know you'll be impressed!

As always, thanks so much for stopping by ~



  1. what a fun challenge you did with Michelle - love that idea - wonderful cards!

  2. Fun challenge, fun technique, and very pretty cards!! It's a win, win, win!!! :)

  3. Yay!!! OH MY GORGEOUSNESS!!! You're not going to believe this, Barb ... I was awake in the middle of the night - thinking about our play-date - THEN slept in this morning!!! I just love your WOS'd flutter-bys! Thank you so much for playing cards with me!! Let's do it again, 'kay? Big hugs...
    =] Michele

  4. How FUN!! I love that you used the butterflies from the set too!! Such a lovely card!!

  5. So pretty! I love your choice of colours and the placement of sequins!

  6. What a fun surprise for me! I love your CASE of my card--those butterflies are laid out in the perfect triangle, and I love the burst of colors. Thank you so much for the honor of being CAS'ed. I had no idea and you and Michelle just made my day.

  7. This is so much fun! I LOVE your card! Awesome job! I need to try this technique!

  8. Fabulous playtime I bet. How fun. Love your take on the inspiration card.

  9. What fun to play cards with Michele. You both did a great job CASEing Joyce's wonderful card. I love the spotlighted coloring. I think that's what they call it.

  10. Well, you've totally inspired me to try this out, your card is gorgeous Barb!! Love all the white around the images and you've done such perfect stamping and colouring too. I've seen this done a few times before but never seen a name for it, you'll have to think of something clever!

  11. How fabulous for the two of you wonderful artists to be playing cards together, Barb ... and what a fantastic inspiration card you chose! You've done Joyce proud with this kaleidoscope of delightful, delicate and lovely butterflies ... it's just gorgeous! Hugs, Anita :)

  12. Playing cards seems to be a fun thing to do :) your card looks fabulous, so is Joyce's stunning creation !

  13. How fabulous that you accepted Michele's 'play along' invitation, that lead to this absolutely lovely and swoon-inducing card! Your butterflies are gorgeous; an inspired take on Joyce's card, infused with your special touches! I'll need to pay attention to Michele's blog and aim to join in the next time she asks, "Want to play cards with me?'

  14. What a fun idea & I love your card, Barb! PS--If only you were grading the MFT Summer School entries! Thanks for the A+--made my day!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. You're so sweet!